Annual Ryegrass - Big Boss Tetraploid

Regular price $52.50 Sale

Big Boss Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass is a high-yielding variety with fast recovery after each grazing or cutting. Its tetraploid genetics give it higher sugar content and juicy leaves, making it ideal for grazing, silage, and hay. It is also endophyte-free, making it safe for all livestock including horses. In addition to being a valuable feed source, Big Boss can also be used in food plots, as a cover crop, and for building your soil. Its aggressive roots help to capture excess nitrogen and add to the carbon bank with its high biomass production.


  • Tetraploid genetics with higher sugar content and juicy leaves
  • High yields with fast regrowth
  • Resistance to leaf spot, grey leaf spot, rust, and insect damage
  • Safe for all livestock, including equine
  • Can be used for grazing, silage, hay, food plots, and cover crops


  • Drill: 10 – 15 lb/acre
  • Broadcast with light incorporation: 15 – 20 lb/acre
  • Aerial or surface seeding: 20 – 25 lb/acre

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